There are a lot of goals in Luis Fabianos football boots.
In the start of the football carrier Luis Fabiano scored a lot of goals for Ponte Preta when he scored 25 goals in 67 football matches. After scoring all these goals for this minor Brazilian football club, the football giants from Sau Paulo saw Luis Fabiano as a big talent ant they bought him, hoping that he coot score a lot of football goals for the football club.
A break in the scoring streak in France for Luis Fabiano.
After the move to Sau Paulo Luis Fabiano scored 10 goals in 22 football matches in the Brazilian Serie A. After this Luis Fabiano got sold to the French football club Rennes, they was hoping that when Luis Fabiano could score that amount of goals in Brazil he could also do it in French, but sadly an of Luis Fabiano couldn’t score a lot of goals in France. In 11 matches Luis Fabiano could not score a single goal and he moved back to Brazil and Sau Paulo.
Still a lot of goals in the football boats for Luis Fabiano.
In Brazil Luis Fabiano could score goals and was happy to play football again. In the first football season Luis Fabiano scored 19 goals in 23 matches. The next football season in Brazil Luis Fabiano scored 29 goals in 34 football matches and that makes him the player with the highest scoring average in Sau Paulo’s football history.