There are 4 Brazilian national football players in Manchester City.
Manchester City Have 4 Brazilian football players and all 4 have played for the Brazilian national football team, and the 3 of them have been selected for the matches in the next month. The 4 football players is Jo, Elano, Glauber Berti and last the biggest star in Manchester right now that is Robinho.
Robinho is the biggest star in Manchester right now.
In Manchester there is 2 big football clubs, the biggest have always been united but after city has bought Robinho, city is showing that they wants to play with the big football clubs. Robinho is just the first of many big stars that is going to play for city and not united. Robinho will be the name that city will enter the market with because Robinho is a big football star.
Will Manchester City have some more Brazilian football players?